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49 items found for "fisheries"

  • Ocean Acidification in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries and Aquaculture

    Ocean Acidification in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries and Aquaculture: Adapting to changing ocean conditions

  • Ocean Acidification in Pacific Northwest Fisheries and Aquaculture

    Ocean Acidification in Pacific Northwest Fisheries and Aquaculture: Adapting to changing ocean conditions

  • FOCCOAL: Fisheries and Oceans Climate Change and Ocean Acidification Laboratory

    At Fisheries and Oceans Canada's (DFO) Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo, British Columbia, scientists To aid in their research, they have developed the Fisheries and Oceans Climate Change and Ocean Acidification

  • Scientist Spotlight: Diane Lavoie: Research scientist, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada

    Diane Lavoie is a research scientist for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada where her work

  • Scientist Spotlight: Dr. Clara Mackenzie, Research Scientist (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)

    Clara Mackenzie is a Research Scientist at Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and an affiliate employee of Currently, I enjoy working as a research scientist for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (in partnership with Canada after 10 years of training and research in the UK to take a post-doctoral research position with Fisheries

  • OA News (You Could Use), October 31st, 2022

    Happy Halloween! Here are some of the latest happenings in the world of ocean acidification in Canada and beyond! Paper of Interest: Check out this new Canadian paper! Frommel, A. Y., Lye, S. L., Brauner, C. J., & Hunt, B. P. (2022). Air exposure moderates ocean acidification effects during embryonic development of intertidally spawning fish. Scientific Reports, 12(1). The GOA-ON Monthly Webinar Series is back: The goals of the GOA-ON Webinar Series are to enable members to share their science with the broader community, create opportunities for collaboration, and foster a sense of community among GOA-ON members. This amazing webinar series is back starting in November. Click here to see the GOA-ON website for more information. New OA Podcast: The latest episode of the podcast The Irish Tech News centers around ocean acidification! The following is quoted text: In this podcast Melanie Boylan chats with Manuel Bustelo and Alana Alvarez Vernice about their ongoing mission to highlight ocean acidification. Listen in to find out how you can help to make everyday changes to improve our planet's oceans. To listen to the podcast click here! 5th International Symposium The Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans: Call for abstracts and financial support applications is open until 1 November 2022! ​​​ECCWO5 (Bergen Norway, 17-21 April 2023) brings together experts from around the world to better understand climate effects on ocean ecosystems, what adaptation and mitigation measures could look like, and how to implement them​. The symposium is continuing the successful series of ECCWO symposia over the last few years. Click here to submit an abstract to ECCWO5! The OA CoP at the 5TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE OCEAN IN A HIGH CO2 WORLD: All presentations from this conference have temporarily been posted on the Symposium High CO2-Lima YouTube channel here. These videos will be featured on the channel until November 25th, don't miss out! The Canadian OA CoP attended this symposium and select side meetings. We gave an oral presentation about the activities of the OA CoP, how we formed, and the current projects we are undertaking. The conference was full of other wonderful presentations, posters, and plenaries (which can be seen on the High CO2 YouTube channel here). At the symposium, we attended the official GOA-ON side meeting: OCEAN ACIDIFICATION GOA-ON REGIONAL HUB COORDINATION WORKSHOP. In this meeting, we saw updates from all the GOA-ON Hubs and had the opportunity to discuss all of the wonderful resources that are offered through this organization. We encourage all of our members to join whichever GOA-ON Regional Hubs which is most relevant to them (Canada is included in both the North American Hub and the Arctic Hub). To learn more about GOA-ON please visit their website by clicking here! We also attended the side meeting: FROM KNOWLEDGE TO ACTION: COMMUNICATING OA SCIENCE TO POLICY MAKERS run by the OA Alliance and Ocean Foundation. This meeting saw discussions between international participants with the goal of identifying major steps that can be taken at the science-policy interface. To guide these discussions this workshop featured presentations from experts in the field, such as Jessie Turner Director of the OA Alliance, who gave insights into how this organization delivers projects on the science-policy interface. To learn more about these organizations we encourage you to visit the website for the OA Alliance here and the Ocean Foundation here. To see pictures from the conference scroll through our Twitter page here! Also, check out some of the trending hashtags from the conference while you are there! Did you attend this meeting and want to still be part of the conversation? Check out the continuation of the conversation hosted on the OAIE here! Upcoming Events: 1. MEOPAR Annual Training and Scientific Meeting: This meeting will be held virtually with sessions taking place throughout dates of November 22, 24, 28 & 30, 2022. If you wish to learn more about this meeting check out the MEOPAR website by clicking here. or click here to register! 2 . ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting : The ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting brings together researchers from the natural, health, and social sciences to meet the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing Arctic region, shaped by climate change and modernization. This conference will push the boundaries of our collective understanding of the Arctic and strengthen our ability to address the Arctic issues of today and tomorrow. If you would like to learn more about this meeting or would like to sign up, click here to go to the ArcticNet website. Have a news item you'd like us to feature? Email

  • New Paper: Socioeconomic impacts from OA and climate change effects on Atlantic Canadian fisheries

    Travis Tai, on a new paper examining the possible socioeconomic effects of climate change and OA on fisheries Wilson is currently working for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) on a Live Gene Banking program for Tai’s background is in OA, climate change, fisheries, biological responses, and integrated modelling. Wilson says that they also looked at how important fisheries were to local communities by looking at , fisheries at the southern portion of their range will be negatively impacted.

  • State of Canada's Arctic Seas: Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada Report 2019

    In 2016 Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) committed to further informing Canadians on

  • OA News (You Could Use) Aug. 26, 2021

    In the News “Routley says joint investment will make fisheries more sustainable and boost local jobs”

  • OA News (You Could Use) July 15, 2021

    Ocean Acidification Amplifies Multi-Stressor Impacts on Global Marine Invertebrate Fisheries.

  • OA News (You Could Use) Feb. 11, 2021

    Clara Mackenzie, Research Scientist (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) Upcoming MEOPAR Trivia Challenge The ocean-acidification/what-epa-doing-address-ocean-and-coastal-acidification In the News “Researcher looks to add fishery

  • State of the Science on OA Research in BC

    Registration for the upcoming 3-day BC Fisheries & Aquaculture workshop, Nov 2 - Nov 4, 2021 , is now series of 4 workshops that will be hosted by the Government of BC, Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries workshop hopes to identify gaps in knowledge and to develop regional plans and recommendations to aid BC fisheries

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