"5th International Marine Protected Areas Congress" (IPMAC5)
The OA CoP will be in Vancouver, Canada for the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5), a global forum that brings together ocean conservation professionals and high-level officials to inform, inspire and act on marine protected areas. 3-9 February 2023, Vancouver, Canada More information can be found by clicking the congress logo
MEOPAR’s Annual Scientific Meeting:
November, 2022
MEOPAR projects are invited to submit an abstract for the upcoming Annual Network Meeting.
This year MEOPAR will create a virtual conference space on Gather Town! This virtual conference space will be used for:
Project Presentations Q&A/Discussion session
Poster showcase and presentation/discussion session
Networking & Fun interactive team games
To learn more about this meeting see the MEOPAR website here!
Looking to expand your research outreach?
Ever wondered how you can integrate science and art into your practice?
Attend the Professional Inspiration Session on September 14, 2:00-3:00PM AT.
To sign up for the MEOPAR workshop and for more information click here!
Ocean Week Canada 2022 kicked off a unique summer-long Ocean Festival that will lay a foundation of ocean awareness as Canada gears up to host the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5) in Vancouver, February 3-9, 2023.
To see events that are happening across Canada view the Ocean Festival website by clicking on the button below!
Ocean Festival
June - September, 2022
5th International Symposium on the Ocean In a High CO2 World
Septmenber 13th-16th, 2022
The Following text is from the Symposium's website
The 5th Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World is being organized by the Pedro Ruiz Gallo National University in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This Symposium follows the symposia in Paris in 2004, Monaco in 2008, Monterey in 2012, and Hobart in 2016, which were all key events for the international community of researchers studying ocean acidification and related stressors. The 5th symposia will maintain the traditional focus of the four previous symposia and look at ocean acidification and associated impacts on marine organisms, ecosystems, and biogeochemical cycles. Ocean acidification will be considered in combination with other global changes such as warming and deoxygenation. The Symposium is inter-disciplinary and contributions are expected to detail advances in observations, modelling, field and laboratory studies. Dedicated sessions will emphasize processes and impacts as well as consequences for humans and their potential responses through policy and management.
Symposium will have in person and virtual options.
Important Dates:
June 13th: early Registration Closes
August 19th: Regular Registration Closes
National Indigenous Peoples Day 2022
The summer solstice, June 21st (today) marks National Indigenous Peoples Day. This day is a wonderful chance to further your education about the rich cultures of Indigenous Peoples from coast to coast to coast. The OA CoP has collected a list of resources, events, and articles to assist our members in their own further education on these topics.
Ocean Week Canada, 2022
June 3rd-12th, 2022
The following is cross-posted from Ocean Week Canada's website:
From June 3 to 12, 2022, we’ll be celebrating Ocean Week Canada! It’s an annual national celebration of ocean events, learning, and engagement held during the week of World Ocean Day (June 8). Through these events and learning activities, we’re recognizing the important role the ocean plays in our everyday lives and how local waterways connect us all with the ocean. Help us raise public awareness and celebrate this connection to coastal areas, the ocean, and watersheds in Canada. Together, we can inspire action to ensure a healthy ocean for future generations.
For more information see Ocean Week Canada's Website by clicking the button!
GOA-ON Webinar
April, 29th, 2022
The Following is cross posted from the GOA-ON Website:
Join Dr. Sarah Cooley, Director of Climate Science at the Ocean Conservancy, Dr. Helen Gurney-Smith, Research Scientist at DFO Canada, and Dr. Libby Jewett, Director of NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program for a presentation on ocean acidification findings in the newly released IPCC report. The latest IPCC Working Group 2 report, released in late February, assessed the current state of knowledge about ocean acidification and its impacts on ocean systems both globally and regionally. New model projections detail the development of ocean acidification through the water column, and how its future development depends on global emissions choices. The report also assesses how ocean acidification is acting individually and in combination with other stressors, driving a variety of outcomes for ocean ecosystems and the people that depend on them. Climate change will affect how we live, work and play in coastal regions including impacts on biodiversity, cultural connections, food and livelihoods. Each of the presenters was a lead author on a different WG2 chapter and will provide insights accordingly.
Click here to register for the talk!
Earth Month, 2022
Earth Day 2022 is on Friday, April 22nd, Earth week is April 18th-22nd, and Earth Month is all of April! We have assembled a list of Earth Day events, programs , and initiatives from across Canada.
This is by no means an exhaustive list, make sure to look into events in your hometown to find the right Earth Day events for you!
OA CoP Presentation at [NavHub]
April 1st, 9am PDT
The OA Canadian Community of Practice has been invited by [NavHub] to participate in their webinar series. The presentation will be an introduction of who we are and what we do at the OA CoP, to the [NavHub] community. Feel free to drop by to show your support, ask questions, or give yourself a refresher on our community!
See you there!
MEOPAR’s Annual Scientific Meeting
Jan 31st-Feb 11th
MEOPAR’s Annual Scientific Meeting will showcase MEOPAR network projects and initiatives that demonstrate our coordinated Canadian approach to address marine challenges. Over four virtual half days, you will have the chance to: Hear the latest developments from national projects and initiatives (including Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System, National Research Vessel Task Team (NRVTT)/Modular Ocean Research Infrastructure Initiation Design and Demonstration (MORI IDD), and The Gulf of St. Lawrence Tracer Release Experiment (TReX), Get involved in the advancement of ideas that could be officially endorsed under the UN Ocean Decade Endorsed Actions, Connect with MEOPAR-supported Communities of Practice (CoPs) and learn about their work, activities, and latest projects, Learn about and discuss the latest updates and results from MEOPAR Network projects, Browse the project posters and network with your peers during a highly interactive Poster Session on Gather Town.
Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with the MEOPAR community across the country at this year’s MEOPAR ASM!
Registration and more information are available here!
BC Seafood Harvester and Producer Perspectives on OAH
Jan 27th-28th, 2022
The second in a series of workshop to inform the BC Fisheries & Aquaculture Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia (OAH) Action Plan, the BC Seafood Harvesters and Producers Workshop on OAH will be hosted virtually by the Quadra Centre for Coastal Dialogue on January 18 & 19, 2022. This workshop will review the key themes and recommendations from the first workshop on the State of the Science on OAH Research in BC and give an opportunity for BC’s commercial harvesters, food-fish harvesters and aquaculture producers to share their perspectives. The outcome of this workshop will consist of a synthesis with recommendations from harvesters and producers in support of the development of regionally-relevant mitigation and adaptation strategies for BC’s fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
Registration and more information are available here!
OA Day of Action,
January 8th, 2022
OA day 2022 is fast approaching! January 8 is global OA day, this initiative was started by the Ocean Foundation and is held annually on the date that corresponds to the current pH of the ocean (8.1). It's goal is to raise worldwide awareness for ocean acidification and it's global current and future impacts.
Visit their website by clicking here!
The ocean foundation helps to promote and develop ocean acidification education resources that will help raise awareness and understanding of this global threat.
To learn more visit the Ocean Foundation's website page for OA day 2022 by clicking the button!
COP26 Ocean Pavilion
Nov 1st-30th
This COP26 Virtual Ocean Pavilion is dedicated to showcase why the ocean matters in climate negotiations and to all life on our planet. It aims to increase knowledge, commitment and action for the ocean-climate nexus at the UN Climate Conference (COP26) in Glasgow this November.
Registration is free and will provide you with online access to live ocean events on November 1, 5, and 12 and on-demand content from 31 October - 12 November. All you will need is a Wi-Fi connection and a smart phone, tablet, or computer. Subtitles in 16 languages are supported during live events.
For more information and/or to register click here for their website.
British Columbia State of the Science Workshop
Nov 2nd-4th
The first workshop to inform the BC Fisheries & Aquaculture OAH Action Plan: State of the Science on OAH Research in BC, will be held virtually from November 2nd to 4th and hosted by the Quadra Centre for Coastal Dialogue. This workshop will catalog the knowns and unknowns related to patterns, trajectories, and impacts of OA and hypoxia along the British Columbia coastal margin. The outcome of this workshop will consist of a synthesis with recommendations from the research community to in support of the development of regionally-relevant mitigation and adaptation strategies for B.C.’s fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
Registration and more information are available here.
September 30th
September 30th, 2021 is the first annual Truth and Reconciliation day, which is a day put aside to commemorate the children who died in residential schools, survivors and families that are still being impacted by them. We as a community would like to share educational resources to assist our community in understanding the difficult past that we all share with hopes of moving forward in a future of equality and kindness.
Science Literacy Week is approaching! This years #SciLit theme is Climate. Science week's country-wide workshops and events teach family's to enjoy Canadian science.
For more information visit the website here
After the success of last year's OA Week, GOA-ON is pleased to be hosting OA Week again this year!
The event will be virtual, consisting of several engaging plenary sessions, community discussions, and GOA-ON hub sessions.
Stay tuned to their website and social media for more updates coming soon...
Find out more and see the schedule for OA Week here.
The MEOPAR Ocean Acidification Community of Practice takes no responsibility for the content, publications, products, funders, or services of linked websites, nor any views expressed on external sites. Links to other websites are included for resource sharing, transparency and convenience only.