Registration for the upcoming 3-day BC Fisheries & Aquaculture workshop, Nov 2 - Nov 4, 2021, is now open!
This is the first in a series of 4 workshops that will be hosted by the Government of BC, Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries. The goal of the 3-day workshop is to give a cross-section of the state of the science that is being conducted on ocean acidification and hypoxia research in British Columbia. The workshop hopes to identify gaps in knowledge and to develop regional plans and recommendations to aid BC fisheries and aquaculture with adaptation.
To effectively achieve a thorough environmental scan, they consider 4 key themes:
Biological impact
Mitigation and adaptation
These themes will be discussed during the 6 available sessions and question periods. The sessions available at this workshop are as follows:
Session 1: OAH Frameworks & Gaps in Our Knowledge
Session 2: OAH Observing
Session 3: OAH Modeling
Session 4: Biological Impacts from OAH
Session 5: Mitigation & Adaptation
Session 6: Discussion and Concluding Remarks
For more information and registration, click here!