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OA News (You Could Use), February 3rd, 2022

Writer's picture: Austin PughAustin Pugh

Here are some of the latest happenings in the world of ocean acidification in Canada and beyond!

BC Coastal Communities’ Perspectives on OAH (February 16th-17th, 2022):

The next virtual workshop to inform the British Columbia OAH Action plan is fast approaching. This workshop is titled "BC Coastal Communities' Perspectives on OAH" and is targeted towards BC fisheries and harvesters, anyone who attended either of the previous "State of the Science" or the "Harvesters and Producers" workshops is strongly encouraged to attend and all interested parties are welcome.

The following is quoted text from the Quadra Centre website: The third in a series of workshops to inform the BC Fisheries & Aquaculture Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia (OAH) Action Plan, the Coastal Communities’ Perspectives on OAH in BC workshop will be hosted virtually by the Quadra Centre for Coastal Dialogue on February 15th and 16th. This workshop will review the key themes and recommendations from the first two workshops on the State of the Science on OAH Research in BC and Seafood Harvester and Producer Perspectives on OAH. The focus of this workshop is to give an opportunity for BC’s local governments, First Nations governments and community members to share their perspectives and expand on socio-economic impacts and perspectives from affected communities. Input from this workshop will consist of a synthesis with recommendations for the BC OAH Action Plan from local and First Nations governments and community members in support of the development of regionally-relevant mitigation and adaptation strategies for BC’s fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

For more information on the workshop and to register, check out the Quadra Centre webpage by clicking here!

Featured Article: Aquaculture: why the world needs a new wave of food production

Source: World Economic Forum

Read it here!

New Paper of Interest: Yamashita, Y., Nakane, M., Mori, Y. et al. Fate of dissolved black carbon in the deep Pacific Ocean. Nat Commun13, 307 (2022).

MEOPAR's Annual Scientific Meeting (January 31st-Febuary 11th): This meeting is currently taking place over 4 days between January 31st and February 11th. Sign up to see research and projects from across Canada and from all Canadian coasts from the safety of a virtual setting. This meeting will have lots of networking opportunities and will showcase other important MEOPAR funded groups and communities of practice.

The following is quoted text from the MEOPAR website: MEOPAR’s Annual Scientific Meeting will showcase MEOPAR network projects and initiatives that demonstrate our coordinated Canadian approach to address marine challenges. Over four virtual half days, you will have the chance to: Hear the latest developments from national projects and initiatives (including Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System, National Research Vessel Task Team (NRVTT)/Modular Ocean Research Infrastructure Initiation Design and Demonstration (MORI IDD), and The Gulf of St. Lawrence Tracer Release Experiment (TReX)), Get involved in the advancement of ideas that could be officially endorsed under the UN Ocean Decade Endorsed Actions, Connect with MEOPAR-supported Communities of Practice (CoPs) and learn about their work, activities, and latest projects, Learn about and discuss the latest updates and results from MEOPAR Network projects, Browse the project posters and network with your peers during a highly interactive Poster Session on Gather Town.Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with the MEOPAR community across the country at this year’s MEOPAR ASM! To register for the meeting and to see more information, click here to see their website.

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