The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Environment Laboratories in Monaco welcomed 16 participants from 16 countries on June 24-28 2019, for a training course on designing and running multi-stressor experiments. The course taught participants how to use the Multiple Environmental Driver Design Lab for Experiments (MEDDLE), produced by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Working Group 149.
MEDDLE includes a handbook, decision support tools, an experiment simulator, and video tutorials. Participants were able to use these new tools to plan their own experimental designs and research questions. An interdisciplinary lecture team, including members of the SCOR Working Group 149, led this course: Dr. Christina McGraw (University of Otago, New Zealand), Dr. Sam Dupont (University of Gothenburg, Sweden), Dr. Marcello Vichi (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Dr. Steeve Comeau (Institut de la Mer de Villefranche, France), and Dr. Christian Pansch-Hattich (GEOMAR, Germany).
More information may be found here: