Jan 31st-Feb 11th
MEOPAR’s Annual Scientific Meeting will showcase MEOPAR network projects and initiatives that demonstrate our coordinated Canadian approach to address marine challenges. Over four virtual half days, you will have the chance to: Hear the latest developments from national projects and initiatives (including Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System, National Research Vessel Task Team (NRVTT)/Modular Ocean Research Infrastructure Initiation Design and Demonstration (MORI IDD), and The Gulf of St. Lawrence Tracer Release Experiment (TReX), Get involved in the advancement of ideas that could be officially endorsed under the UN Ocean Decade Endorsed Actions, Connect with MEOPAR-supported Communities of Practice (CoPs) and learn about their work, activities, and latest projects, Learn about and discuss the latest updates and results from MEOPAR Network projects, Browse the project posters and network with your peers during a highly interactive Poster Session on Gather Town.
Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with the MEOPAR community across the country at this year’s MEOPAR ASM!
Registration and more information are available here!