Here are some of the latest happenings in the world of ocean acidification in Canada and beyond!
New Blog Post - Scientist Spotlight: Diane Lavoie: Research scientist, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
We interviewed Dr. Diane Lavoie who is a research scientist for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada where her work focuses on the development of coupled 3D ice-ocean-biogeochemical (NPZD-O2-pH) models for the Gulf of St. Lawrence to study the impacts of anthropogenic forcing and climate variability on primary production, aggregation of whale forage species, and on the development of a hypoxic and acid zone in the estuary.
Click here to learn more about Diane and her research!
[NavHub] OA CoP Presentation Friday, April 1st: The OA Canadian Community of Practice was invited by [NavHub] to participate in their virtual webinar series. The presentation was an introduction of who we are and what we do at the OA CoP, as well as an update on some of the OA CoP's recent activities.
If you missed the presentation, don't worry! You can check out the recording of the presentation by clicking here!
GOA-ON Webinar:
The Following is cross posted from the GOA-ON Website:
Join Dr. Sarah Cooley, Director of Climate Science at the Ocean Conservancy, Dr. Helen Gurney-Smith, Research Scientist at DFO Canada, and Dr. Libby Jewett, Director of NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program for a presentation on ocean acidification findings in the newly released IPCC report. The latest IPCC Working Group 2 report, released in late February, assessed the current state of knowledge about ocean acidification and its impacts on ocean systems both globally and regionally. New model projections detail the development of ocean acidification through the water column, and how its future development depends on global emissions choices. The report also assesses how ocean acidification is acting individually and in combination with other stressors, driving a variety of outcomes for ocean ecosystems and the people that depend on them. Climate change will affect how we live, work and play in coastal regions including impacts on biodiversity, cultural connections, food and livelihoods. Each of the presenters was a lead author on a different WG2 chapter and will provide insights accordingly.
Click here to register for the talk
In the News:
Title: Researchers develop rapid in-situ monitoring system of dissolved CO2 in seawater
Click here to check it out!
New Paper of Interest: Check out this new paper examining carbon export in a warming marine system!
Lomas, M.W., Bates, N.R., Johnson, R.J. et al. Adaptive carbon export response to warming in the Sargasso Sea. Nat Commun13, 1211 (2022).
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