Here are some of the latest happenings in the world of ocean acidification in Canada and beyond!
Canada's OA Projects Updates:
We want to hear the great ocean acidification work you’re doing or are involved in, so that we can better connect our membership and to communicate to those outside of this group. It’s important that we share, so that the community interests and needs can be better represented – so we’re excited to hear from you! It should take around 10 minutes to fill the form.
Click here to fill out the form!
World Ocean Day: New Educational Resource
The OA CoP released a new educational resource on June 8th (World Oceans Day). This educational video shows how to make hamade pH test strips and is accompanied by a teaching resource.
To view the new educational resource on our website click here and find it under the Public and Educators section.
Ocean Festival Canada:
Ocean Festival Canada is here! If you are thinking of planning an event or are curious to see more information read the following.
The following information is cross-posted from the Ocean Week Canada Website.
We’re not just celebrating for a week this year! In 2022, Ocean Week Canada will kick off a summer-long Ocean Festival that will lay a foundation of ocean awareness as Canada gears up to host the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5) in Vancouver. IMPAC5 is a global forum that brings together ocean conservation professionals and officials to inform, inspire, and act on Marine Protected Areas. Check back often to find out how to make the most of your Ocean Festival experience with updates on events, important dates, and ways to get involved. Through understanding, participating in, and celebrating marine conservation efforts, we can meet our goal of protecting 30% of Canada’s ocean waters by 2030.
For more information click here!
Dive Deeper Sustainable Oceans Conference:
The following is cross-posted from the meeting website
This conference will take place virtually and in-person in the McInnes Room on the second floor of the Dalhousie Student Union Building at 6136 University Avenue. At the time of registration, please choose whether you will be attending online or in-person (this can be changed up to a week before the event). The conference will begin on Friday September 23rd from 6pm - 9:30pm and continue on Saturday September 24th from 8:30am - 5:30pm.
This year's theme is Dive Deeper. We will be exploring complex topics of ocean conservation and sustainability, by navigating below the surface of current marine issues. This conference will achieve diversity through depth by showcasing the research and interdisciplinary talents of the 2021-2022 MMM Cohort. We will dive deeper into the work of others in the local, national, and international community.
For more information click here.
Early Registration Deadline; June 13th (Today).
The following is cross-posted from the symposium website:
The 5th Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World is being organized by the Pedro Ruiz Gallo National University in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This Symposium follows the symposia in Paris in 2004, Monaco in 2008, Monterey in 2012, and Hobart in 2016, which were all key events for the international community of researchers studying ocean acidification and related stressors. The 5th symposia will maintain the traditional focus of the four previous symposia and look at ocean acidification and associated impacts on marine organisms, ecosystems, and biogeochemical cycles. Ocean acidification will be considered in combination with other global changes such as warming and deoxygenation. The Symposium is inter-disciplinary and contributions are expected to detail advances in observations, modelling, field and laboratory studies. Dedicated sessions will emphasize processes and impacts as well as consequences for humans and their potential responses through policy and management., For more information and to register visit their website by clicking here!
In the News:
Title: World Oceans Day 2022: Theme, history, importance
Source: The Federal
To read the article click here!
New Paper of Interest:
Siegel, K., Kaur, M., Grigal, A. C., Metzler, R., & Dickinson, G. (2022). Meta-analysis suggests variable, but PCO2-specific, effects of ocean acidification on crustacean biomaterials.