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OA News (You Could Use) September 24th, 2021

Writer's picture: Austin PughAustin Pugh

Here are some of the latest happenings in the world of ocean acidification in Canada and beyond!

In the News

Companies hoping to grow carbon-sucking kelp may be rushing ahead of the science

Source: MIT Technology Review Read the Article Here

New on the Blog

Research Recap:

Lead author, Dr. Olivier Sulpis (right), demonstrates the impact that ocean acidification has on the sea floor and shares the reason that this knowledge can help to understand the dissolution process.

Read it here!

New Educator Resource

DJ Ocean, Drop The Base! How Our Oceans are Becoming More Acidic - Petty Harbour Mini Aquarium:

A new science educational video posted by Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants’ YouTube channel!

It’s time to drop the base! Our oceans are becoming more acidic and it’s important that we get “back to the basics" for our oceans. Join the Petty Harbour Mini Aquarium in learning about ocean acidification and how our changing climate is impacting our oceans. Our presentation will include explanations and demonstrations of ocean acidification and ocean concepts, featuring a cool ocean experiment and even a few animal friends!

Watch it here!

New Paper of Interest

Hauri, C., Pagès, R., McDonnell, A.M.P. et al. Modulation of ocean acidification by decadal climate variability in the Gulf of Alaska. Commun Earth Environ 2, 191 (2021).

Ocean-based Carbon Removal – call for content

The spring 2022 issue of the Journal of Ocean Technology will focus on ocean-based carbon removal with guest editor Dr. Kate Moran. In this issue, we’ll look at recovery, fertilization, up/downwelling, electrochemical, seaweed cultivation, alkalinity; ocean acidification; carbon sequestration in sedimentary reservoirs and oceanic crust; and similar topics. We are inviting the submission of technical papers, essays, and short articles for this issue.

New Special Issue of Interest:

Coastal Management Journal; Insights for Policy and Integrated Management

*Cross posted from the OA Info Exchange (link here).

The OA Alliance is delighted to announce a very special issue of Coastal Management Journal, “Ocean Acidification: Insight for Policy and Integrated Management."

Four peer-reviewed articles & two essays covering technical, social, and policy issues around OA action and management are now available open-access.

Many of the contributing authors are resource managers on the front lines of addressing OA. They are using a variety of strategies to assess information needs, develop data sets, build partnerships and formulate approaches that link ocean change science to applicable management at local and regional scales.

While the issue consolidates current and emerging U.S. state policy directives and practices, we know that local and international actors will benefit from lessons learned and case studies presented—furthering our shared goal of advancing climate ocean action.



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